Burhanuddin Rangwala

Backend Developer

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About Me

Burhanuddin is a 21 year old software engineer who specializes in backend development and data analytics and has a keen interest in web3.
He is a process oriented person who takes end to end ownership of his projects and works closely with clients to achieve business KPIs and deliver software solutions.
As a successful freelancer he has been working for 2.5 years in a variety of companies across different verticals. He is passionate about startups and always learning and improving.

Work Experience

Summer Analyst - Goldman Sachs (July 2022 - August 2022)

  • Worked in the field of Big Data Analytics to optimize data storage.
  • Used Hadoop, Spark and Iceberg to implement novel milestoning strategies.

Software Engineer - Metalytics (March 2022 - June 2022)

  • Created a variety of python scripts to efficiently aggregate data.
  • Used AWS Lambdas to increase the efficiency of the modules by 400%.
  • Worked on various company B2B products from scratch to production.
  • http://nftintersect.xyz/

Backend Developer - IDS Company (November 2021 - June 2022)

  • Created a Node JS backend for scratch for an NFT marketplace.
  • Developed APIs, Models and Schemas using Node JS and Express streamlining the development process.
  • https://thegarden.gg/
More on Linkedin

Latest Projects

Automatic Answer Grading using Machine Learning

DashAsk - Automatic Answer Grading using ML

A web application that allows teachers and students to create and attempt examinations respectively. It uses ML to automatically compare the students answer with the ideal answer and grade the answer.
Tech Stack: Django, Python, HuggingFace


KnowMeBetter - Automatic portfolio generator for developers

Know me Better is a static web-portfolio generator which seamlessly integrates with your github account to showcase your portfolio to the entire world.
Tech Stack: ReactJS, NextJS, Javascript, OAuth



Steganographinator is a web application that allows you to encode a secret message into an image of your choice and decode it back to the original message.
Tech Stack: Python, StreamLit

More on GitHub